Working With Geotextiles

Geotextiles are synthetic permeable textile materials that have a variety of uses. Some of the uses of geotextiles include:

  • Filtration
  • Drainage
  • Isolation
  • Reinforcement
  • Protection
  • Impermeability

Impermeability Geotextiles are commonly used in infrastructure works such as roads, harbours, horse manege, arenas, landfills, drainage structures, and other civil projects.



Geotextiles are permeable fabrics that are used in various civil engineering and environmental applications. They offer several benefits due to their unique properties and characteristics. Here are some of the key benefits of using geotextiles:

Geotextiles help in stabilizing the soil by acting as a barrier between different soil layers. They prevent the mixing of granular materials, such as subsoil and fill material, which can compromise the stability of structures. By separating and reinforcing soil layers, geotextiles enhance the load-bearing capacity of the soil.

Geotextiles are effective in controlling erosion. They can be used to prevent soil erosion on slopes, embankments, and shorelines. Geotextiles act as a filter by allowing water to pass through while retaining the soil particles. This helps in reducing water velocity and preventing the scouring of soil, thus protecting the underlying surfaces.

Geotextiles are commonly used in drainage systems to improve their performance. They act as a filter and allow water to pass through while preventing the migration of fine particles. Geotextiles used in drainage applications can enhance the flow of water, reduce clogging, and prevent the accumulation of excess water in the soil.

Geotextiles are used for separating different materials, such as soils and aggregates, in construction applications. They prevent the mixing of materials with different particle sizes, maintaining their individual integrity. Geotextiles also act as filters by allowing water to pass through while retaining fine particles, preventing the clogging of drainage systems.

Geotextiles provide protection and reinforcement to various structures. They can be used as a cushioning layer to protect geomembranes in landfill liners or as a protective barrier for geomembranes in reservoirs or ponds. Geotextiles also provide reinforcement to soils, improving their tensile strength and resistance to deformation.

Geotextiles offer cost-effective solutions compared to traditional methods in many applications. They often eliminate the need for extensive excavation and backfilling, reducing construction time and costs. Geotextiles are lightweight, easy to handle, and can be installed with minimal labor, resulting in cost savings.

Geotextiles contribute to environmental sustainability by minimizing soil erosion, improving drainage, and reducing the use of natural resources. They can be used in conjunction with other environmentally friendly practices, such as vegetative covers, to enhance their effectiveness in erosion control and soil stabilization.


Geotextiles provide numerous benefits in civil engineering and environmental applications, including soil stabilization, erosion control, drainage improvement, separation, filtration, protection, reinforcement, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability.



Bonded joints can be achieved using hot melt adhesive Glue Stick LS01, applied by PT-180 Glue Gun. For site-formed joints, the textile needs to be clean and dry, with joints being formed on a firm base. A good seam strength can be achieved by applying hot-melt adhesive to the bottom layer of Geotextile. Then forming a simple 100mm wide overlap, the second layer can be folded across whilst the adhesive is still hot. Pressure must then be applied to the joint in order to force the glue into the textile. We suggest one person applies the adhesive, whilst a second person forms the overlap and applies pressure by walking on the joint. Curing time is between 45 – 90 seconds.

For further information and advice, please contact a member of our Technical Department. We're here to help.